I fell in love with the Oribe-style tea bowl at first glance

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That tea bowl took my breath away.

I fell in love with the Oribe-style tea bowl at first glance. It was really beautiful.

Besides that, some tea bowls were displayed for sale.

It was strongly attracted to that tea bowl more than any of the others.

Its price was nearly 15 times higher than others. I gave up on buying that.

It was obviously over my budget.

But I couldn’t forget that beautiful tea bowl.

I finally bought it a few days later.

Its beauty resonated with me.

What was it that of amazed me so much?

I’ll explain it this time.

I usually don’t see a Japanese tea bowl as a tea bowl. I see it as “Japanese scenery”.

You may think it strange, but it is my attitude toward appreciating the Japanese tea bowl.

I felt that this tea bowl had beautiful scenery.

For example, this deep green glaze is made me think of the lush green in the mountain or growing moss in a garden at a Zen-Buddhist temple.

The picture of a water wheel is drawn on the tea bowl. It made me think of the time passing slowly in an old Japanese village.

In addition, I can see various scenes through this tea bowl, and they are mixed in my mind.

I cannot explain this mixture in detail, but it’s beautiful Japanese scenery.

This tea bowl is knobby and its hue looks uneven. In other words, it looks like it is incomplete.

But if this tea bowl was well-proportioned and had an uniform hue, I would not have been amazed by it.

I think explicable beauty only has a limited interpretation because of its logicality.

This tea bowl, which looks like incomplete, has an abstract shape. It isn’t logical.

So that makes me imagine various scenees.

By the way, this is a tea bowl, and it is not art. It is an useful article.

The more I use it, the more beautiful it will become over time.

I feel that the old hoary appearance of a worn-out tea bowl has a kind of beauty.

Japanese people in old times called this feeling, “Wabi”, or “Sabi”.

This tea bowl will be more beautiful in the future. If it were possible, I’d like to see what this tea bowl will be like a hundred years from now.

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