This is my record of my second private Noh flute lesson

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This is my record of my second private Noh flute lesson.

Last time, my teacher told me to learn “Chu-no-mai” first of all.

There are 18 music standards relating to the Noh flute, and Chu-no-mai is one of them.

I bought a Noh musical score book called, “Shoga-shu” in order to learn Chu-no-mai.

A musical score for the Noh flute is called, “Shoga”.

It is written in various onomatopoeias that express the sound of a Noh flute.

I immediately memorized “Chu-no-mai” through self-study before the second private lesson.

Chu-no-mai has a rhythm of eight beats.

I took the second private lesson at a rental studio, Nihonbashi, in Tokyo.

My teacher told me to sing Chu-no-mai, and he started drumming on a small desk with two Japanese fans.

I sang again and again while he provided the rhythm.

After that, my teacher told me to hold my Noh flute flatly over my chest, and he taught how to move my fingers.

However, my fingers were not moving the way I wanted them to.

Though he repeated the procedure with his Noh flute many times, I couldn’t keep up with him.

I couldn’t remember how to move my fingers.

The studio was cold, but I was sweating.

This is how my second private lesson was finished.

My fingers felt like they would cramp.

I have to memorize the finger movements before the next lesson.

By the way, I was able to make a sound with the Noh flute somehow.

But, when I cover the finger holes, I cannot make a sound.

I have to practice more.

Learning how to play the Noh flute is extremely difficult for me just like I thought.

To tell the truth, I cannot be sure that I will be able to play the Noh flute.

However, I will try my best.

To be continued in my next lesson.

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